New steel-case rimfire developed for competition

by the Shoot On staff

Barnaul, the world’s leading manufacturer of precision steel-case ammunition, is now offering a new subsonic cartridge in 9mm Luger ideally suited for use with suppressors or for shooters competing in Minor Power Factor divisions.

The new Barnaul 9mm Subsonic ammunition follows the path of the manufacturer’s original Silver Sport line of Minor Power Factor ammo developed for IPSC competition but with a key change. The new ammo incorporates a slightly heavier 151-grain FMJ bullet versus the original 148-grain projectile. With an average muzzle velocity of 850 fps, the Barnaul 9mm Subsonic delivers a power factor of 128.35 from a 4.7-inch barrel, placing it just above the 125 PF minimum adopted by most shooting organizations for the minor power classes.

In addition to the new bullet weight, the Barnaul 9mm Subsonic continues with a bi-metal jacket and a steel cartridge case. To ensure consistent accuracy performance and no-fail cycling in the reduced power load, both the FMJ bullet and the case feature zinc coating for enhanced lubricity.

The Barnaul 9mm Subsonic will arrive on retail shelves by the end of March. Dealers are encouraged to contact their favorite wholesale distributor for purchasing.

Barnaul 9mm Luger (ZN FMJ151 SUB) Specifications

  • Bullet: 151 grains, FMJ zinc coated
  • Case: zinc coated steel
  • Ballistic Coefficient (G1): .231
  • Muzzle Velocity V0 ft/sec: 850 (4.7-inch barrel)
  • Muzzle Energy E0 J ft/lb: 282
  • Max Powder Pressure Bar (lb/inch2): 34,084
  • Cartridge Max Length: 1.117 in
  • Cartridge Average Weight: 211 gr
  • Rounds per Box: 50
  • Rounds per Case: 500 (25 boxes per case)

For more information on Barnaul steel-case ammunition in popular rifle and pistol calibers, visit

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