This dedicated sight tool for GLOCK pistols covers all the bases

by Rob Reaser

We are thankful that an increasing number of handgun manufacturers are including on their pistols sights that once were the domain of the aftermarket industry. GLOCK, though, is not among this crowd. Little wonder, then, that GLOCKs are among the most common handgun platforms for sight upgrades.


But to install upgraded sights you, need the right tools, and for that, Real Avid has recently released their new Sight Pusher for GLOCK. This is not a universal-style sight installer, but it is “universal” within the GLOCK sphere because it can accommodate all sizes of GLOCK slides, from the standard to the Slimline width slides, as well as aftermarket GLOCK clone slides. What’s more, this new sight pusher is small enough to fit in most range bags so you can take it to the field and use it to make any necessary sight adjustments.

The Sight Pusher for GLOCK is a compact tool the delivers the torque needed to remove and install rear sights onto any GLOCK slide.

A spring-loaded locking base can be adjusted to accommodate standard-width GLOCK slides as well as the narrower Slimline slides.

Two shims are included, allowing you to customize the slide height to match the slide dovetail cut to the ram.

To remove the factory sight, simply install the correct-height shim, secure the slide in the locking base, and align the ram with the sight.

The ram includes three different angles — 90-, 75-, and 45-degrees. Use whichever side of the ram best matches the sight angle and push the sight out of the dovetail, moving from left to right. The large grip and fine drive threads work with the oversized torque handle to effortlessly push out the sight.

With the old sight removed, install the new sight into the dovetail until it is 1/3 to 1/2 of the distance into the slot. Some sights may require removing a slight amount of material from the sight base before it can be started into the dovetail.

Make sure the ram is centered with the sight and that the height is correct. The ram should be able to pass into the dovetail without touching the slide.

Rotate the torque handle and push the sight into the center of the slide to complete the rear sight installation.

The Sight Pusher for GLOCK comes with a heavy-duty 2-in-1 tool stowed inside the torque handle.

This tool has a punch on one side for receiver disassembly and a magnetic nut driver on the other side for removing and installing front sight screws.

After cleaning any oils from the front sight and front sight screw threads, apply a drop of medium-strength thread adhesive and secure the front sight onto the slide. Only snug the screw into place. Too much torque here can lead to shearing of the screw shank under recoil. Let the thread adhesive do the hard work!

The Sight Pusher for GLOCK has an MSRP of $99.99 and is available directly from Real Avid.

Hiviz 23

Shoot On Editor-in-Chief Rob Reaser is a lifelong outdoorsman, former magazine editor, columnist, and contributing editor to numerous national publications in the automotive and outdoor segments. He has also authored and co-authored several DIY gun building books. His shooting and hunting passions cover everything from traditional archery and big-game bowhunting to the latest in handguns, rifles, and reloading. Rob has a troublesome habit of pulling guns and things apart to see how they work; occasionally, he manages to get them back together...

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