Going to an outdoor shooting range can be a burden when carrying a load of gear. Rifles, handguns, ammo cans, targets, ear protection, eye protection, magazines, rests, sandbags – you name it, and the trips to the car seem endless just to get ready to shoot.

Recently while getting ready to sight in a new rifle, I was faced with this situation, only to realize the range did not provide target stands to mount my targets on. I stood there for some time trying to figure out what to do when a fellow shooter offered me the use his stand while he was taking a break and allowing his guns to cool down.

Many gun ranges are littered with old political signs that are being recycled as target holders. Some shooters even target their most hated official and use his or her old signs as target stands. But technically, these are the property of the owner, and without permission to take them from the road, it is stealing. Thankfully, there are better options.

 MTM CaseGard® has led the way in plastic hunting and shooting accessories for decades. And their target stands are some of the most durable and most reliable on the market with the Jammit™ Target Stand. This portable stand is made of engineered plastic that is capable of withstanding the errant shot and still produce. Lightweight and portable, the Jammit™ can be moved to different yardages with ease, offering an unlimited amount of range time at yardages that are to your specifications.

The Jammit™ is designed for both rifle and handgun shooters. The engineers at MTM CaseGard® know that many shooting ranges are not ideal in manicured landscaping. So, they took this into consideration when the Jammit™ was created. It is ideal for unlevel ground, hill sides and the like. Capable of holding a target backer 24” off the ground, the Jammit™ can hold either cardboard backer or corrugated plastic to support your paper targets for accurate shooting. The Jammit™ also breaks down for compact storage and is ready the next time you need a target stand.
Measuring 17.5″x 2″x47″ and planted with target backer, the Jammit™ can do it all for shooters.

For those looking for something a bit smaller and somewhat more versatile, the Jammit™ Compact Target Stand may be the best compromise. Measuring a mere 3″ x 4″ x 17.5″ and weighing less than one pound, the Jammit Compact has multiple uses. It is ideal for holding targets, yard sale signs, parking signs and the perfect backer for your young shooter with his or her BB or pellet rifle.

MTM CaseGard® decided that more than a stand was needed to complete the line, so they also engineered some backer boards to make shooting more fun. The Bird Board is one of the best ways to get kids to enjoy shooting. Who doesn’t enjoy reactive targets?  Designed to hold nine clay targets, just push the spring-loaded clip and insert up to nine clay targets for some great fun and action. The thrill of breaking clay targets never gets old.  Whether static or flying, these targets are made to break, and the biodegradable properties make them the ideal reactive targets for shooters of all ages. The Bird Board fits both the Jammit™ and the Jammit™ Compact for loads of fun.

With the Jammit™ Complete system, you get the Original Jammit™ Target stand and the bird board together in one package, providing you with the ultimate in private range fun.

MTM CaseGard® is dedicated to helping shooters be more efficient and making shooting more fun. With their complete line of ammo boxes, storage bins, and target stands, they are fast becoming your “one-stop shop” for everything needed for a fun day at the range or field.


Pete Rogers is an award-winning writer, author, and host of Christian Outdoors podcast. He is an NRA Certified firearms Instructor and member of the Professional Outdoor Media Association, Southeastern Outdoor Press Association, and the South Carolina Outdoor Press Association. Pete spends at least 250 days a year afield pursuing his outdoor passions.

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