Mounting a rifle scope is a simple procedure, but there are several details not to be overlooked to ensure the performance we expect for years to come

by Lou Patrick and Rob Reaser

The devil, they say, is in the details. That’s true for so many things, including scope mounting. It’s an easy enough procedure, but the job can be accomplished with professional results by following proven, established methods.

In this video, we will walk you through the scope-mounting operation, throwing in some tips learned through over two decades of professional gunsmithing. We will be installing a TRUGLO Intercept illuminated-reticle scope onto a Remington 700, and we’ll be ensuring correct scope alignment by using the Real Avid Level-Right Pro system.

The Level-Right Pro was designed to ensure the scope is mounted with the vertical reticle stadia in line with the rifle bore and perpendicular to the earth’s surface. This will eliminate scope cant, which throws off point-of-impact across the firearm’s effective shooting range.

We’ve used the Level-Right Pro system to install optics on AR platform rifles, and the system works equally well on bolt- and lever-action rifles.

Our optic of choice for this hunting gun is the TRUGLO Intercept. The Intercept features extremely fine reticles that have adjustable illumination, making the sight picture clean, precise, and adaptable to varying lighting conditions. It’s offered in two reticle configurations (BDC and duplex), and is available in 3-9x42mm and 4-12x44mm.

Hiviz 23
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