If you’re not taking apart your AR-15 bolt for thorough cleaning, you should be, and this tool will make the job a breeze

by the Shoot On staff

We continue to remind shooters of the importance of cleaning their firearms after each range session. That might sound excessive to some people, but experienced shooters will tell you otherwise. Comprehensive firearm cleaning is essential for maintaining your gun in good working order and for preventing corrosion and fouling buildup that can have serious consequences down the road.

While most AR-15 owners know to field-strip their rifles and to clean the fouling from their bolt’s surface, relatively few disassemble the bolt — removing the extractor and ejector assemblies — to give the bolt a deep cleaning, particularly on the bolt face. With a low-cost tool like the Master Bench Block from Real Avid, disassembling and reassembling and AR-15 bolt couldn’t be easier. Here’s how to do it…

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