With the new Easton App, arrow intel and purchasing power are just a smartphone click away. Bingo!

by Jace Bauserman

Arrow kingpin, Easton, celebrates 100 years of arrow-making genius in 2022. Of course, this tried-and-true manufacturer launched some brilliant new arrow models — the Sonic 6.0 and Superdrive Micro — to name a few. Another noteworthy addition that reflects Easton’s dedication to serving its loyal customer base is its new app.

Dubbed the Easton Archery App, this new-for-2022 app is available from the Apple Store or Google Play, and it’s free. Yes, Easton, for the win, once again.

After downloading the app, registration takes about two minutes. The process is simple and won’t have you breaking out the anti-anxiety meds. Key in your first and last name, email, and create a password, and you’re off and running.

I love the app because I don’t have to bang a URL into my smartphone or search “Easton” on the internet. I open my phone’s home screen and tap the app, and viola, Easton is at my fingertips. Once in, the Home screen allows you to search by product name and provides tap-a-button selection for popular Hunting and Target Arrow shafts. If you don’t know what shaft you’re looking for, use the Shaft Selector tab. This tab allows you to filter arrows by Hunting or Target choice. If you choose Hunting, for instance, the app will prompt you to select between FMJ & Carbon Arrows and Aluminum arrows.

Regardless of your choice, things get really sweet now, and the app eliminates any guesswork. Enter your bow’s poundage, the point weight you want, and your desired arrow length to the nearest whole inch. Next, plug in whether you shoot a mechanical release or fingers and your bow type (compound, recurve, long bow) and its fps (feet per second) range. You are almost done. The last step is to give the app an insert weight range. When you hit the submit button, the app will provide you with your suggested spine range, and now you can start surfing through arrow choices without the worry of buying one that won’t be safe and effective for your current stick-and-string setup.

Education has always been important to Easton, so a Library tab has been added. You can read about everything in the Library from how Team Easton is doing at various 3-D and target shoots to arrow-building information to details about new product launches. A scroll through the Library should answer just about any arrow or arrow component question you can think of, plus, as mentioned, there are lots of other entertaining content.

Of course, Easton doesn’t just make arrows, and for this reason, a Shop tab has been added. You can view, research, and purchase other popular Easton items like swag, stabilizers, cases, quivers, tools, signs, arrow components, and adhesives in the Shop.

When trolling around on the app, be sure to take a moment to add your name and email and join the Easton Team. Easton launches a plethora of new products throughout the year, shares discounts coupon codes, and even gives sneak peeks at not-yet-released products. Submit your info and stay up to date.

Easton’s Archery App is another shining example of the manufacturer’s dedication to serving Easton Nation. Add it to your smartphone and you can take Easton with you wherever you go.




Born and raised in southeast Colorado, Shoot-On contributor Jace Bauserman cut his hunting teeth chasing ducks, geese, quail, and pheasants near his southeast Colorado home. The seed that was planted stuck, and Bauserman’s outdoor pursuits grew. He started chasing elk and mule deer in the Colorado mountains with his 7mm Rem. Mag., and coyotes, fox, and bobcats across the plains. In 2003, Bauserman started writing about his adventures. Today, Bauserman is an accomplished outdoor writer. He has served as editor-in-chief of Bowhunt America and Bowhunting World magazines and has penned thousands of articles for top-tier outdoor publications.

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