I paced back and forth in the front room window, waiting for my hunting partner to pick me up. We had an evening duck hunt lined up, and I was itching to get out and set up the decoys. When he pulled into the driveway, I ran from the front door with my arms loaded down with gear. I set two boxes of shotshells on the roof of the car so that I could throw my hunting jacket and cased shotgun in the backseat. In the early-season excitement, I forgot I had put the shotshells on the roof and just jumped in and slammed the door. As we drove away, I was fortunate the boxes of ammunition stayed in place. However, taking a fast corner at the end of the street sent a cascading shower of shotshells across the road and into in the grass. I let out a shriek of horror and disbelief, as my hunting partner slammed on the brakes. I scrambled on my hands and knees to pick up all the ammunition, filling my pockets, as the boxes would not hold together when more than a handful of shells were jammed in.

Since that time, I always try to carry my ammunition in a proper storage case. MTM Case-Gard makes a variety of ammunition boxes that are ideal for anyone who enjoys the shooting or hunting sports. They have specific shotshell boxes and cases that will not only prevent the bottoms from falling out of the cardboard boxes but keep them sealed from any moisture, which is particularly handy when in a blind with wet conditions. Individual shotshell cups hold each load in a way that they are easy to put in or remove. When the ducks are coming in hot and heavy, it is easy to retrieve more ammo from the box.

I learned the value of a good ammunition box the hard way. On a sheep hunt, I had an extra box of ammunition with me and had it stored safely in my pack, with all the other gear I needed for my 10-day adventure. A long story short, it rained and snowed for almost nine full days, and everything in my pack ended up getting soaking wet. When I got home, I put the ammunition back in the storage closet, forgetting that it had been wet during the trip. The next time I went to use the ammunition the cartridges were green from the moisture contact and growing funny scales. Of course, I tried to clean them up as best possible but was not willing to feed them into my favorite rifle.

Whether you reload or are a traveling hunter looking for safe, secure options to keep your ammunition dry, and bullets from getting deformed, MTM Case-Gard will have a case for you. You can always tell when hunters make things for hunters, as all the bases are covered. With MTM, the ammo crates stack together and are made of durable material that doesn’t break when bearing tremendous weight. The hinges and clasps are solid and stand up against the test of time.

Benelli Lupo Hpr

Brad Fenson is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys unique landscapes and outdoor adventures. His passion for the outdoors leads him across North America, collecting incredible photographs and story ideas from the continent’s most wild places. His passions are hunting, fishing, camping, cooking, and conservation. Fenson started writing over three decades ago and has been in print in over 65 publications in North America. Fenson co-authored several bestselling book projects and has earned over 65 national communication awards for his writing and photography.

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