Mogadore, OH. TenPoint Crossbow Technologies, the foremost manufacturer of innovative, American-made crossbows and accessories, is excited to lend its corporate support to the recently launched Raise Them Right™ initiative.

Raise Them Right is a nation-wide movement that focuses on and encourages mentoring of America’s youth in wholesome, value-driven activities intended to build character, self-confidence, and to develop healthy relationships and skill sets that will empower the next generation to be productive and successful citizens and parents. As a company and as an outdoor industry member concerned with the alarming cultural trends that threaten the very fabric of our society and our country, TenPoint is proud to offer its support of this important effort.

“TenPoint is a family-owned company with employees who actively engage in youth outreach activities to help build a better tomorrow for all of us,” said TenPoint CEO Rick Bednar. “As a leader in our space, we have added responsibilities and opportunities to address the rapidly increasing threats to the physical and mental wellbeing of our most vulnerable citizens. Now more than ever, parents are fighting cultural and institutional forces bent on disrupting and destroying traditional family values and morals. Raise Them Right is helping to point families, companies, and concerned individuals in the right direction to counter these harmful influences, and we enthusiastically support this initiative and encourage everyone in the outdoor industry to do the same.”

To learn more about Raise Them Right—powered by Fathers in the Field®—and how you can become a part of this critical movement, go to

TenPoint Crossbow Technologies is 100% American owned, operated, and all its crossbow models are manufactured in Mogadore, OH.

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