When I was a young lad, I was enamored with pellet guns and air rifles. I can remember stopping at the hardware store and local sporting goods shop with my dad, and always going over to admire the shiny wood stocks on the airguns lined up on the rack. I couldn’t help but put my hand out and touch the stocks feeling the smooth satin finish on the wood. It was a big dream for a youngster who wanted one of the airguns in the worst way.

I think I drove my dad crazy finding ways to ask for a rifle of my own. I knew the straight-out request never worked so I would constantly try to find creative ways to make it happen. Finally, after months of pestering, my dad broke down and made a deal for me—if I could save up enough money to purchase one of the guns on my own, he would take me to the store to buy one. I was elated! My brain worked in overdrive trying to think of ways to earn some cold, hard cash. What I didn’t know at the time was my mom and dad never dreamt that I would save enough money to purchase the gun. What they didn’t understand, was how powerful my drive to own the airgun actually was, which was at the top of my bucket list as a growing seven-year-old.

I picked up garbage, weeded gardens, collected bottles and cans, and did anything I could to earn a nickel, dime, or quarter. If I remember correctly, the old airgun was only $14.25, but it seemed like a life savings for a kid with a big dream. I was focused on my goal and remember the evening that I brought my piggy bank downstairs to talk to my parents. I exclaimed, “I have saved enough money and was wondering if we could go to the store on Saturday to pick up the airgun.” My mom looked at my dad in disbelief, like he had told her that this would never actually happen. Seeing how seriously I did take the matter, there was no way my dad was going to break my heart and not allow me to have the gun.

I still remember walking into the store and trying to decide which gun to pick. They were all the same make and model, but some had slightly darker stocks, and I’m not sure what criteria I used, but one of the rifles stood out to me at the time. I still have that old gun downstairs in the safe, as a strong memento of my youth. Remembering my childhood with that old gun made me think that it’s time to make a deal with one of my grandsons.

Perhaps one of the new Rocket Shot target systems from Daisy would make for great childhood memories, and an excellent training tool, to get my grandsons some time on the range. The system is on a stake that is pushed into the ground. A round metal target faces the shooters, and one BB gun enthusiast shoots the metal target, which launches an empty can into the air for a second shooter to plink. I doubt I’ll have trouble getting them excited about the idea and I’m confident their parents will think that it’s an excellent idea as well.

The Rocket Shot Target System is made by Daisy Outdoor Pursuits and is a fun way for people to practice instinctive shooting. The last time I looked at the system, I was accused of wanting to purchase it for myself.

Daisy has a wide assortment of guns, but I’m happy to see that the Red Ryder model is still available in the fun kit. Of course, they have some Mossy Oak guns equipped with scopes as well as the old carbine and CO2 style rifles. In short, there are more options than I have grandkids, so I think I will need to take them to the store to help me make the final decision.

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Brad Fenson is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys unique landscapes and outdoor adventures. His passion for the outdoors leads him across North America, collecting incredible photographs and story ideas from the continent’s most wild places. His passions are hunting, fishing, camping, cooking, and conservation. Fenson started writing over three decades ago and has been in print in over 65 publications in North America. Fenson co-authored several bestselling book projects and has earned over 65 national communication awards for his writing and photography.

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