The “Any Light, Day or Night” Handgun Sight

Aside from being the brightest night sights we’ve used on a defensive handgun, the TFX Pro sights by TRUGLO are also the most diverse. By incorporating both tritium and fiber optics in heavy-duty front and rear sight assemblies, the TFX Pro ensures maximum visibility and fast target acquisition in full sunlight, pitch dark, and that murky in-between ambient light where most defensive situations play out.

The TFX Pro sights accomplish this by placing a hermetically sealed, oil and corrosion-resistant tritium vial inside the machined steel sight housing. In front of the tritium vial (facing the shooter) are fiber optic elements. The fiber optics channel light to the shooter in two ways. In no-light conditions, the light from the tritium vial is enhanced through the fiber optics to ensure sight alignment—even in complete darkness. In low light or bright sunlight, slots machined into the top of the sight housing allow the fiber optics to gather ambient light. Combined, the TFX Pro provides rapid sight acquisition across all lighting levels.

Another feature we like about the TFX Pro for defensive pistols is its snag-resistant design and rugged steel construction. The rear sight housing also has a reverse bevel on the front, allowing one-hand slide operation.

The TFX Pro sights are available for a wide range of pistols, including GLOCK, Sig, Kimber, Ruger, Kahr, and multiple 1911 models. To learn more, visit

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