The Elite You is an online/virtual training platform for those who understand the need for self-reliance and the potentially life-saving value of being formidable.

“The sum of virtue is to be sociable with them that will be sociable and formidable to them that will not.” ~ Thomas Hobbes

Initially, Elite You was designed as a virtual platform for leading experts, trainers, and mentors to have the ability to record their knowledge, lessons learned, and expertise gained throughout their lifetime. A place for experts to create a database of knowledge for longevity of training, to be used for generations to come, long after they are gone. That idea has evolved to become much, much more.

Elite You is now a virtual platform for anyone and everyone to access the information from these experts, from the comfort of home, for less than it costs to buy a tank of gas. It has gathered multiple experts in very specialized disciplines, all in one place, creating an opportunity to access the skill, knowledge, and experience that would otherwise be unobtainable. These SMEs will help others reach their own true potential within those areas of study.

It’s the place for anyone and everyone to become the very best version of themselves – to work at becoming formidable.

Come join us.

ELITE YOU: Excellence starts here.

“I have a high art, I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me.” – Archilocus, 650 B.C.

Online at; on Facebook at The Elite You.

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