ALPS OutdoorZ, the premiere manufacturer of extreme-duty hunting packs and outdoor gear, takes gear protection and transportation to the next level with the all-new Waterproof Rifle Case. Developed for backcountry hunters yet ideally suited for anyone who demands maximum protection and portability for their firearm, the Waterproof Rifle Case is a must-have addition to any serious hunter’s gear portfolio.

Constructed of a waterproof 500D welded PVC outer shell, the case integrates high-density closed-cell flotation foam that not only protects your rifle from the inevitable bumps and dings when horse packing or transporting in a vehicle or ATV, but also ensures your rifle stays dry during inclement weather. The dry bag-style roll-top closure system provides a tight seal to keep water out and offers an adjustable fit for rifles up to 53 inches long and up to 10.5 inches in height.

The case’s rugged construction includes three external compression straps on the side that allow you to further secure the rifle in the case for a snug, protective fit. These straps can also be used to secure a tripod or other shooting support system, so you have everything you need when it is time to make the shot. To assist in field transport, the case comes with an integrated top carry handle and a padded and adjustable removable shoulder strap. A D-ring is also added to the end of the case so it can be conveniently hung to dry or for storage when not in use.

The Waterproof Rifle Case measures 57″ L x 11″ W with a roll length of 49″ to 53″ and weighs 2lbs. 9 oz. MSRP is $99.99.

For more information about this and other innovative products from ALPS OutdoorZ, visit

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