Motion sensor cameras have radically changed the way we hunt.  Capturing an image of a big buck, bull, or gobbler is only one of the many functions that these amazing devices can perform.  From protecting your property and family to just having fun – here’s a look at the newest Stealth Cam technology and how to maximize the benefits throughout spring and summer.

The G45NGX is a 22MP, NO GLO IR, 1080P High Definition camera with a sub ½ second trigger speed.  Other features including adjustable PIR detection range, Matrix blur reduction to ensure a clear subject in night shots as well as pre-programmed Quick Sets and Retina low light sensitivity to maximize IR output to deliver a well-lit 100ft night time range.  The G45NGX also features Stealth Cams best camo pattern to date, for unmatched concealment when deployed.

This camera has so many features, don’t wait until fall to utilize them.  Here are seven you may not have considered:

Whose Finding my Morels?  Mushroom season is just around the corner and your favorite (and highly secret) patches of mushrooms may be under siege.  Mushrooms are like a gold rush- those who get there first get the bounty.  You can use the 1080 P High Definition to take images or shoot video clips if “friends” are raiding your patches. 

Where Does that Darned Gobbler Go?  Spring gobblers are often easy to locate as they gobble on the roost.  However, once they fly down, they join with hens and silently head toward a strutting ground where they display and mate with the ladies.  Use the extended range of the G45NGX to capture these movements.  Check your camera in late afternoon when birds are more likely to be feeding and reset the cameras as turkey movements become obvious.  Finding that strutting ground is golden. 

What’s Eating My Garden?  If your early garden vegies are being pruned by raiding creatures, set the camera to catch the culprit.  It may be rabbits, woodchucks, or both.  Once you have identified the raiders, you can take protective measures. 

Are Hunters Trespassing on My Hunt Club?  You probably spend a lot of time and money building a productive hunting area and the last thing you need is a poacher sneaking onto the property.  Not only will he or she bag game that you have been nurturing, but if they become injured, you could be sued.  The Stealth Cam will take a rapid-fire picture so that you should get a good look at the trespasser and the images can be easily shared with law enforcement.  Post your cameras 10 feet above the ground and tilt them downward for added security.


Potential Predators?  Will coyotes pose a threat to your deer population?  What about black bears.  Studies in Pennsylvania have shown that black bears are a significant predator of fawns.  If you catch a pack of coyotes on film, you may want to begin hunting them, or contact a local trapper to reduce their numbers.  The NO GLO feature and 100-foot nighttime range makes this camera ideal for times that game animals are most active.  In addition to excellent range, the camera automatically adjusts the IR output to match ambient light so that pictures are properly exposed.

Although black bears are protected in the spring, it’s helpful to know if a sow and cubs are in your area.  Once detected, you want to be more careful as you search for mushrooms or head for a turkey roost, perhaps carrying a sidearm if that’s legal in your state. 

Wildlife Detective?  My wife and I enjoy feeding and watching birds and recently found a pile of feathers near one of the feeders.  We suspected that a neighbor’s cat had been making a regular round in early morning.  By setting my Stealth Cam I caught the prowler and had the evidence to prove it.  Also, my darkroom door was frequently ajar, despite my efforts to keep it closed.  I posted a camera and found that our Manx cat could open the door if it wasn’t solidly latched.  

Science Projects?  Finally, wildlife biologists and state game departments use motion-sensor cameras as a research tool.  Since most schools have science fairs, why not post a camera near a bird feeder or bird bath.  Analyze the data at the end of each day and chart or graph:

  • Which species of bird is the dirtiest? (Makes the most visits)
  • Do males take longer baths than females?
  • Which birds eat the most?
  • What is the pecking order at the feeder or bath? Are certain species bullies?

These are just a few of the many experiments that you and your family can conduct with the new Stealth Cam cameras.  Most come with basic features pre-set (even date and time) and can provide as much fun and learning around the home as deer behavior information next fall. 

Joe Byers
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