Looking for some new and exciting adventures this spring? Perhaps black bears should be put on your bucket list? There are spring bear seasons in several states and provinces that are fairly inexpensive if you’d like to travel for a hunt, and the hardest decision will be picking the ultimate destination.

No matter where you decide to hunt black bears there are some important items to ensure you pack. Any time you are in the north woods you should have good base layers of clothing to stay warm. The days are long, but when the sun starts to set the temperature can drop drastically and if you’re shivering, you won’t be shooting straight. Wool is an excellent choice, as it will help regulate your temperature in hot or cool conditions. It also creates an additional clothing barrier, making it difficult for hungry mosquitoes to bite through a single layer of clothing.  Some sort of insect repellent should be on your pack list as well. There are several brands out there that will keep the bugs at bay without emitting scent that will alert bears, or any game species for that matter, to your presence. A word of caution; you can’t fly with butane refill cartridges, so make sure to line them up at your destination or visit a sporting goods store before heading to camp.

Another thing to remember is that “Spring showers bring flowers”, so pack a good rain suit in your favorite camouflage pattern, as you are likely to encounter rain or showers at some time over a week-long trip.  Footwear is important, too, and neoprene or rubber boots are strongly recommended. Good knee-high boots will keep you dry when walking forest trails, through dew-laden brush, or if it rains. More importantly, rubber and neoprene hold less scent when walking in or out of a bait site. Leather boots leave a distinct smell in your tracks. Use some sort of scent control pray to treat clothing, boots and gear to tip the odds in your favor.



None of this gear matters, however, unless you’ve got a trusty weapon to make an effective shot. Baited spring bear hunts allow you to get close to your quarry, making a crossbow the perfect tool for the adventure. Travel with a hard case to protect your crossbow and make sure to confirm the scope is still dead on before hunting.

Last spring, I shot a big, mature black bear boar with a TenPoint Carbon Nitro RDX from a ground blind made of material from the forest. Ground blinds typically offer fairly tight quarters, so the ultra-narrow RDX bow assembly was great for increased mobility in such a confined space. Additionally, black bear vitals tend to be well hidden by the large shoulder blades and arm bones, so the accuracy gave me a leg up. Not to mention the Carbon Nitro RDX is well-balanced, allowing me to be steady when taking aim. I knew my arrow would fly true, even through the narrowest of windows, to make a lethal shot. It was a great adventure that generated lots of excitement and left me wanting more. With all the options for spring black bear adventures, I’m confident it won’t take long to find another spot to put my TenPoint crossbow to use.

For more information on the Carbon Nitro RDX, please visit www.tenpointcrossbows.com


Brad Fenson is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys unique landscapes and outdoor adventures. His passion for the outdoors leads him across North America, collecting incredible photographs and story ideas from the continent’s most wild places. His passions are hunting, fishing, camping, cooking, and conservation. Fenson started writing over three decades ago and has been in print in over 65 publications in North America. Fenson co-authored several bestselling book projects and has earned over 65 national communication awards for his writing and photography.

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