If you’ve been thinking about getting your first suppressor, the time may never be better and Silencer Central is ready to help

by Jeromy Knepp

Hiram P. Maxim (his father developed the Maxim Machine Gun) created the first patented suppressor in 1908. In those days, ear protection was not available and hearing loss due to wars, recreational shooting, and hunting was just part of life. The story goes that he made the suppressor so he wouldn’t disturb his neighbors while shooting.

Fast forward 114 years and we have a plethora of silencer/suppressor options available. The downside is that these simple devices that can help prevent hearing loss for millions of gun owners is also highly restricted in the U.S. for…well…absolutely no good reason whatsoever. A pity.

Still, if you want to acquire a suppressor and you don’t mind the cost and the hoop-jumping required to get one, Silencer Central is a good place to start, as I recently discovered. Not only does the company offer their own brand of suppressors called the Banish series, but you can also purchase from them suppressors from many other manufacturers.

The Process

Silencer Central provides great service and an easy purchasing experience.” Easy” might be a bit of a stretch, but the process has sped up of late. Paper applications can still be completed, but the electronic route is the way to go. I applied for the Banish 30 through paper application in October 2021. I waited 14 months for approval. My nephew applied in February 2022 using the electronic method at the Silencer Central booth at the Great American Outdoor Show. He received his in October of 2022, taking about nine months.

Step One: Contact a Silencer Central representative. Visiting their website is also a good way to research the process, and their contact portal will put you in touch with their online reps.

Step Two: Choose your suppressor. As mentioned, Silencer Central offers their Banish Series. From the Banish 22 up to the Banish 46, all SAMMI calibers from .172 up to .458 can be accommodated. They also carry a line of Banish models for pistols, along with suppressors from AAC, Silencer Co, YHM, AWC, Nosler, Barrett, Sierra, and multiple other brands.

Step Three: Choose a method of application. I am going to strongly suggest the electronic route. Electronic signature by email expedites the process. This is where you create your trust. The trust allows you to legally own the suppressor and add anyone who is a non-felon and 18 years of age or older. Should you wish to add someone after the initial purchase, Silencer Central can create an amended trust adding that individual with their first, full middle, and last name. Once you receive the amended trust, you will be required to have it signed and notarized. If it all seems confusing and complicated, don’t worry. The folks at Silencer Central will guide you through the process.

A picture of you as well as fingerprints will be requested at this time. Silencer Central can process your picture through text or email. They will give instructions on how best to accomplish this.

I went to AAA and had them take passport pictures. Fingerprints can be done by your local law enforcement, finger printing services, or Silencer Central will mail you fingerprint cards so you can do them at home.

Step Four: Wait! This is the hardest part of the process. After Silencer Central receives all your information, it is sent to the ATF. This a great time to make payments using Silencer Central’s no interest EZ-Pay plan. Silencer Central will also send monthly emails keeping you informed of the progress of your application. If you have any questions at any time, you can call or email them.

When you are finally approved, Silencer Central will ship your suppressor and additional accessories you purchased straight to your front door. You will need to sign for it. I chose to have the post office hold it to pick it up after work.

The Banish 30

Made of Titanium, the Banish 30 is magnum- and full-auto-rated. Total length is nine inches with modularity that allows you to shorten it to seven inches. Six baffles are set in the first seven inches and two in the additional two inches. Completely serviceable, unscrewing the two sections and the cap allows the baffles to slide out.

In its full-length configuration, The Banish 30 weighs 11.2 ounces. At full length, it tips the scales at 14.3 ounces.

The thread specs are 5/8×24. You can purchase a 1/2×28 adapter to run it on .22s and AR platform rifles. Other adapters for metric and non-standard thread are also available.

Tools necessary to pull it apart if the baffles are stuck in place can be purchased. Online videos by Silencer Central provide guidance on proper care and maintenance. The baffles are keyed to align properly during reinstallment. An orange O-ring sealing the cap and two-inch extension let you know if you put them in right. If they are not properly seated, the orange will show, indicating something isn’t right.

The Banish 30 also comes with a lifetime warranty. If you are not satisfied with your Banish product or if it is defective, Silencer Central will purchase it back within 30 days of delivery. They will provide a full refund in the form of a Silencer Central gift certificate minus the tax stamp. This only applies to Banish products. The purchase of any other brand is not covered by Silencer Central.

I can tell you that I am completely satisfied with the Banish 30. I have no skin in the game, but the Banish 30 is, by far, the quietest suppressor I have used to date. The first word from my son when using the suppressor without hearing protection for the first time was, “WHAT!?” The grin on his face was infectious!

Another added benefit is recoil reduction. As an added muzzle device, the baffles act as a muzzle break. Understand this is not the intention of suppressor, but a side benefit.

The Pros

  • Obviously, sound suppression is the big one. Comparing to another name brand product, the Banish 30 outperformed by a little in hearing comparison with suppressed loads. The same could be said for the full power load.
  • Recoil mitigation is always a plus.
  • Increased accuracy is also possible. I did see a noticeable improvement when shooting my rifle.

The Cons

  • It’s not Silencer Centrals fault, but the wait time is aggravating. The email that comes every month to let you know if you are approved or not brings false hopes.
  • The suppressor certainly adds length to your rifle. Nine inches of suppressor on an eighteen-inch barrel makes for a twenty-seven-inch barrel. That’s a lot of barrel in the woods.

Final Thoughts

Would I do this again? Absolutely! Would I use Silencer Central? Same answer. They provide great service and a great product. Perhaps I’ll go for the Banish 46 next and while I’m waiting for approval, build that 458 SOCOM I’ve been dreaming about.

Jeromy Knepp
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Jeromy Knepp is U.S. Army veteran from the artillery corps. He enjoys competing in benchrest competitions, groundhog matches, and IBS. NRA Certified Range Safety Officer and Metallic Cartridge Reloading instructor, he also enjoys hunting with his son and daughter.

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