It is easy enough to take true innovation for granted when it has changed the market so completely. Within a few years CrossBreed holsters made big changes in the concealed carry holster market. CrossBreed holsters paved the way in modern hybrid holsters. I respectfully submit that they have been copied, shamelessly, but never equaled. The original CrossBreed design by Mark Craighead was vastly different, more effective and changed the way we wear concealed handguns.

The mating of Kydex and leather has obvious advantages. Leather is supple, comfortable and easily cut and finished. Leather makes sense for the backing of a holster. Kydex is impervious to oil, perspiration and solvent; it also may be molded into different designs easily. Kydex isn’t as comfortable to wear as leather but never loses its shape. The CrossBreed holster combines a hard Kydex shell for durability and integrity while the leather backing makes for comfortable carry.

Inside the waistband and its tuckable variations are the most concealable holsters. An IWB is worn inside the pants. There is no need for a covering garment to conceal the gun and holster. Only a sport shirt or a heavy T shirt is needed to conceal the gun butt. The holster must not collapse after the handgun is drawn, allowing easy re-holstering of the handgun. It is difficult to design an IWB holster that offers both speed and security, but the CrossBreed SuperTuck does just that. Building on the strengths of composite materials, the SuperTuck is a viable holster that gives the user a comfortable and effective means of concealing a credible handgun.

The backing is mated to a strong Kydex shell molded for your specific handgun, with nearly limitless models. The leather will take on a worn, even rustic look over time and gets even more comfortable for EDC. In this case the holsters were ordered for two of my favorite Glock pistols, the Glock 17 Vickers Tactical and the Glock 43 compact. The holsters are comfortable, ride securely in the belt, and have real security by means of well designed belt clips. The draw angle allows the shooter to draw into the target, an important consideration. Grip clearance is such that the shooter is able to get a good firing grip prior to the draw. This avoids fumbling and readjustment after the handgun is drawn.

The belt clips are strong, corrosion-resistant coated spring steel clips that get a good bite on the belt and keep the holster rigidly fastened to the belt. This means that every time you draw the handgun, it will be in the same place. A holster that moves about on the belt is a chafing nuisance. These belt clips keep the pistol and holster secure. The weight of the handgun is distributed about the belt efficiently. A holster with a single belt loop has a different feel on the belt with the weight centered. For this reason, dual clips are regarded by professionals as the superior pattern. The spring clips allow adjustment of the drop or the height above or below the belt line. The holster is an open bottom design. This allows carrying a Glock 17 or Glock 19, or even a long slide Glock 17L in the same holster. Likewise a holster ordered for the 1911 will accommodate barrel and slide lengths from the Officers Model to a Government Model.

I have considerable experience with the CrossBreed brand. After carrying these Founders Series holsters for a week or two the leather backing becomes more flexible and forms against the body, resulting in increased comfort. There are no hard edges or sharp spots with this holster. Having found myself in the wrong place at the wrong time more than once, I prefer service grade handguns. The CrossBreed SuperTuck allows carrying these handguns in comfort- even a little style. When choosing a concealed carry holster CrossBreed should at the top of your list. Consider your needs and real world utility and you will find that my recommendation is valid.

Benelli 2

Bob Campbell holds a degree in Criminal Justice and has authored over 10,000 articles and fourteen books for major publishers. Campbell has served as a peace officer and security professional, has taught the handgun professionally and is a competitive shooter. He is currently teaching his grandchildren not to be snowflakes.

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