Stuttgart, Arkansas – March 4, 2019 – Honored American Veterans Afield (HAVA) announces Year-2 of a new hunt series that this year provided a hunt-of-a-lifetime experience for seven veterans in east-central Arkansas. Hosted by shotgun exhibition shooter Micah McMillan, the hunt lasted 3 fun-filled days during prime season in one of the premier waterfowling destination in the world. Each of the days started early and allowed the hunters to call in thousands of geese providing a substantial harvest for each hunter. On The Deck Outfitters provided food, lodging, guide and equipment. Guns and ammo were generously donated by Silver Eagle Arms, Federal, Nordic and Kicks Chokes.


“This waterfowl shoot is a new activity for our hunting program,” said HAVA Chairman Tom Taylor,

“and the enthusiastic feedback from participants will lead us to focus in this category annually in the future. We will be able to serve disabled veterans from all across the country with the help of outfitters, resorts and manufacturers – and by providing expert-class shooting instruction from Micah, hunters can improve their skill noticeably and increase their success rate.”


About HAVA

HAVA is a 501(c)3 organization formed by companies in the shooting and outdoor industry with the purpose of raising awareness and further assisting disabled veterans with their healing process through guided hunts, shooting events and other outdoor sports activities. The sustaining sponsor companies are Smith & Wesson, National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), SIG SAUER, Academi, Arnold Defense, Crimson Trace, E3 Training, FMG Publications, GLOCK,

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