Law enforcement officers trust their lives to their equipment, and that’s why they choose TRUGLO sights.

When police officers find themselves caught up in a shooting, the margin between survival and death can be thin. For that reason, officers need to be well-trained, and, perhaps most importantly, they need to be able to rely on their equipment.

Ponder (Texas) Police Officer Nathaniel Moore was involved in a shooting while on duty. Moore believes that one of the essential elements in surviving that armed confrontation was the set of TRUGLO sights he had on his service weapon.

[quotes quotes_style=”bquotes” quotes_pos=”center”]”I have had to use my handgun in the line of duty at night and it is my opinion that I am alive today because of the brightness that TRUGLO is known for.”[/quotes]

“While I cannot give any details about (the shooting), I will say that TRUGLO sights were the difference between life and death as the shooting occurred at night time.” Moore says. His experience demonstrates a very important reality faced by so many law enforcement officers; violent encounters often occur in low-light conditions, and under these circumstances it’s absolutely essential to have traditional night sights that allow you to effectively aim your firearm in those low-light conditions. This truth extends beyond law enforcement to the millions of concealed carry permit holders in the United States as well. As Officer Moore’s story demonstrates having the right sights may make the difference between life and death.

After the shooting, Officer Moore’s firearm was collected as evidence. When he was cleared to return to duty, Officer Moore found himself without a firearm (his department is small and finances are tight, so officers provide their own weapons). Moore purchased a new sidearm and based on his previous experience, Officer Moore wanted sights that would allow him to see in day as well as low-light conditions. He contacted TRUGLO, told them his story, and he was sent a brand-new set of TRUGLO TFX® sights that would fit his duty firearm. TFX sights take it one step further by allowing the shooter to see a consistent sight picture in ANY lighting conditions. Most importantly, TFX (Tritium / Fiber-Optic Xtreme) sight technology goes way beyond traditional night sight capabilities to allow for easy transition from light to dark and dark to light conditions all without EVER losing your sight picture.

TRUGLO's TFX™ Pro Tritium/Fiber-Optic Day/Night Sights
TRUGLO’s TFX™ Pro Tritium/Fiber-Optic Day/Night Sights

“TRUGLO replaced the sights with a new set of TFX sights at no charge,” says Moore. “The response through customer service was above and beyond what I expected. I have had to use my handgun in the line of duty at night and it is my opinion that I am alive today because of the brightness that TRUGLO is known for. Thank you TRUGLO, for the having impeccable quality, lasting endurance, and the courage to stand beside the products you make.”

TRUGLO is committed to providing the highest-quality sights for law enforcement, military and civilian shooters and understands that, as in Officer Moore’s case, having the right sights may be a matter of life and death. To that end, TRUGLO is dedicated to providing the best sights at an affordable price and stands behind their products. And TRUGLO is proud to support the nation’s law enforcement officers who risk their own safety each day as they protect our neighborhoods and communities.

Brad Fitzpatrick
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Burris Eliminator 6

Brad Fitzpatrick is a freelance writer living in southern Ohio. He's a former collegiate trap and skeet shooter and 4-H Shooting Sports instructor and has authored several books on topics ranging from international hunting to concealed carry.

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